Monday, December 10, 2012

Matlab program to plot real, imaginary phase and magnitude of exponential function.

k = input('Enter the value of gain,k:');
a = input('Enter the value of a,a:');
N = input('Enter the value of N:');
n = 0:1:N;
y = k*(a.^n);
subplot (3,1,1);
stem (n,y);
xlabel ('time');
ylabel ('amplitude');
title ('Exponential Sequence')
p = input('Enter the value of gain,p:');
a1 = input('Enter the value of real part,a1:');
b1 = input('Enter the value of imaginary part,b1:');
N1 = input('Enter the value of N1:');
n1 = 0:1:N1;
c = a1+b1*j;
x = p*(c.^n1);
subplot (3,1,2);
stem (n1,real(x));
xlabel ('time');
ylabel ('amplitude');
title ('Real Exponential Sequence')
subplot (3,1,3);
stem (n1,imag(x));
xlabel ('time');
ylabel ('amplitude');
title ('Complex Exponential Sequence')
disp ('Result is');
disp (x);


Enter the value of gain,k:4
Enter the value of a,a:5
Enter the value of N:7
Enter the value of gain,p:4
Enter the value of real part,a1:5
Enter the value of imaginary part,b1:3
Enter the value of N1:5
Result is
1.0e+004 *
0.0004 0.0020 + 0.0012i 0.0064 + 0.0120i -0.0040 + 0.0792i -0.2576 + 0.3840i -2.4400 + 1.1472i

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Himanshu Dureja is an engineering student and part time blogger.